
From QmailToaster
Revision as of 10:59, 30 March 2024 by Ebroch (talk | contribs) (Created page with "#!/usr/bin/python # Before running this script make sure to have done : # mkdir /var/qmail/grey # chown qmaild.nofiles /var/qmail/grey # test with env TCPREMOTEIP="" GREY="" ./greyd /bin/bash -c env | grep RB # and do not forget to delete the folder and file created before going in production # Design similar to http://www.jonatkins.com/page/software/qgreylist import os import sys import time minute = 60 hour = 60*60 day = 60*60*24 # Configuration start con...")
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  1. !/usr/bin/python
  1. Before running this script make sure to have done :
  2. mkdir /var/qmail/grey
  3. chown qmaild.nofiles /var/qmail/grey
  4. test with env TCPREMOTEIP="" GREY="" ./greyd /bin/bash -c env | grep RB
  5. and do not forget to delete the folder and file created before going in production
  6. Design similar to http://www.jonatkins.com/page/software/qgreylist

import os import sys import time

minute = 60 hour = 60*60 day = 60*60*24

  1. Configuration start

config = {} config['WAITING'] = 1*minute # How long should a sender wait before being allowed config['LAST_SEEN'] = 32*day # How long before we clean IP which have sent several time config['FIRST_SEEN'] = 5*day # How long before we clean IP which have seen one time only config['CLEANUP'] = 20*minute # How often we cleanup the IPS config['BASE'] = os.path.join('/','var','qmail','grey')

log_per_ip = True # Log per IP (true) or per Class C (false)

  1. Configuration end

def log (*param): sys.stderr.write('greyd: ') sys.stderr.write(*param) sys.stderr.write('\n') sys.stderr.flush()

def out (code,*param): log(*param) sys.exit(code)

def run_next (): if len(sys.argv) > 1: try: prog = sys.argv[1] param = sys.argv[1:] os.execve(prog,param,os.environ) except: out(1,"issue whish trying to exec %s" % prog) else: out(1,"can not execute the smtp application")

def cleanup (): global config

try: filename = os.path.join(config['BASE'],'clean') last_clean = os.path.getmtime(filename) except: try: open(filename,'w').close() except: log('can not create the timestamp file (%s) used for cleanup' % filename) return

try: now = time.time() if now - last_clean > config['CLEANUP']: log('running cleanup') open(filename,'w').close() for root, dirs, files in os.walk(config['BASE'], topdown=False): if not dirs: for file in files: filename = os.path.join(root,file) #log('checking %s' % filename) try: ctime = os.path.getctime(filename) mtime = os.path.getmtime(filename)

deltac = now - ctime deltam = now - mtime except: log('%s must have been deleted by another process' % filename) continue try: # You sent us one mail 5 days ago, bye, bye if ctime == mtime : if deltac > config['FIRST_SEEN']: os.unlink(filename) log('removed inactive one off sender %s' % filename) # You sent us several mails 32 days ago, bye, bye else: if deltam > config['LAST_SEEN']: os.unlink(filename) log('removed inactive sender %s' % filename) except: log('could not cleanup %s' % filename) continue except: log('problem with cleanup')

  1. Main
  1. Get all environment variable

remote_ip = os.environ.get('TCPREMOTEIP') if remote_ip == None: # should never happen out(1,"Can not get TCPREMOTEIP from environment")

if os.environ.get('GREY') == None: run_next()

if os.environ.get('RELAYCLIENT') != None: sys.stderr.write('Both GREY and RELAYCLIENT set for the same IP : %s' % remote_ip) os.environ['RBLSMTPD'] = run_next()

  1. Build the name of the file to check

ips = remote_ip.split('.') foldername = config['BASE']

foldername = os.path.join(foldername,ips[0],ips[1]) filename = os.path.join(foldername,ips[2])

if log_per_ip: filename += "-" + ips[3]

  1. Check time and perform according action

try: now = time.time()

last_seen = os.path.getmtime(filename) first_seen = os.path.getctime(filename)

delta_last = now - last_seen delta_first = now - first_seen except: try: os.makedirs(foldername,0700) except: # The folder most likely already exist pass try: open(filename,'w').close() os.environ['RBLSMTPD'] = 'greylisting, IP %s time -' % remote_ip except: log('issue trying the initial touching of the file %s (or creating the folder)' % filename) cleanup() run_next()

  1. if you never waited two minutes without sending

if delta_first < config['WAITING']: try: os.unlink(filename) open(filename,'w').close() os.environ['RBLSMTPD'] = 'greylisting, IP %s time %d' % (remote_ip,int(delta_last)) except: log('issue with touching file %s' % filename) cleanup() run_next()

  1. deliver valid email
