Rocky, Alma, Springdale 8 QT Install

From QmailToaster
Revision as of 01:18, 15 March 2024 by Ebroch (talk | contribs)
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Vpopmail Many-Domain MySQL backend
Minimal Install RHEL8 Derivative Sprindale Alma Rocky
QMT Install
# curl -o /usr/local/bin/qt_install
# chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/qt_install
# qt_install
# toaststat

Status of toaster services
send: up (pid 101809) 1684421 seconds
smtp: up (pid 101807) 1684421 seconds
smtps: up (pid 101808) 1684421 seconds
submission: up (pid 101812) 1684421 seconds
send/log: up (pid 101806) 1684421 seconds
smtp/log: up (pid 101811) 1684421 seconds
smtps/log: up (pid 101810) 1684421 seconds
submission/log: up (pid 101827) 1684421 seconds

mysql mysqld
systemd service:               clamd@scan:       [  OK  ]
systemd service:         clamav-freshclam:       [  OK  ]
systemd service:             spamassassin:       [  OK  ]
systemd service:                  dovecot:       [  OK  ]
systemd service:                   mysqld:       [  OK  ]
systemd service:                    httpd:       [  OK  ]
systemd service:                    named:       [  OK  ]
systemd service:                  chronyd:       [  OK  ]
systemd service:                     sshd:       [  OK  ]
systemd service:                    crond:       [  OK  ]
systemd service:                    acpid:       [  OK  ]
systemd service:                      atd:       [  OK  ]
systemd service:                   autofs:       [  OK  ]
systemd service:                   smartd:       [  OK  ]
systemd service:               irqbalance:       [  OK  ]

# conntest
  Scanners: rspam, spamassassin, dspam
  Qmail-1.03-3.3.7 (Implements TLSv1.3)