CentOS Linux 9 Minimal Install
QMT Install ('Many-Domain')
# curl -o /usr/local/bin/
# chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/ && (reboot)
# toaststat
Status of toaster services
send: up (pid 1323) 1517 seconds
smtp: up (pid 1324) 1517 seconds
submission: up (pid 1325) 1517 seconds
send/log: up (pid 1316) 1517 seconds
smtp/log: up (pid 1311) 1517 seconds
submission/log: up (pid 1314) 1517 seconds
systemd service: clamd@scan: [ OK ]
systemd service: clamav-freshclam: [ OK ]
systemd service: spamassassin: [ OK ]
systemd service: dovecot: [ OK ]
systemd service: mariadb: [ OK ]
systemd service: httpd: [ OK ]
systemd service: named: [ OK ]
systemd service: ntpd: [ OK ]
systemd service: sshd: [ OK ]
systemd service: network: [ OK ]
systemd service: crond: [ OK ]
systemd service: acpid: [ OK ]
systemd service: atd: [ OK ]
systemd service: autofs: [ OK ]
systemd service: smartd: [ OK ]
systemd service: irqbalance: [ OK ] (Multiple processors only)
#<a href=""> conntest</a>
Enter a valid remote email account to which QMT will send mail: <email address>
IMAPS: postmaster@domain.tld --> success
Submission: postmaster@domain.tld --> success
SMTPS: postmaster@domain.tld --> success
Qmail-1.03-3.3.7 (Implements TLSv1.3)
Patches applied