DNS Server
The Linux Cookbook (O'Reilly) by Carla Schroder has very good recipes for setting up a DNS server. Caching, public and private servers for both bind and djbdns are covered. You can also read it online here.
A very nice tutorial for bind can be found here.
To install a bind caching name server, you can follow these steps. Note: This was done on CentOS 5.4 x86_64, so YMMV.
Do this all as root.
- Install caching name-server
- # yum -y install bind caching-nameserver
- Set named up to run after reboot. And start named
- # chkconfig named on
- # service named start
- Edit /etc/resolv.conf and add the following above other entries
- nameserver
- Test
- # dig qmailtoaster.com | grep "^;; SERVER"
- If you get ";; SERVER:" then you're good to go.
A very nice tutorial for djbdns can be found here.