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man qmail-remote excerpt:

qmail-remote requires TLS authentication from servers for which this certificate exists (FQDN is the fully-qualified domain name of the server). One of the dNSName or the CommonName attributes have to match.

WARNING: this option may cause mail to be delayed, bounced, doublebounced, or lost.

Force TLS encryption for a particular domain or Exceptions to 'control/tlshosts/exhaustivelist':
  1) # nslookup -type=mx 'domain.tld'
       domain.tld     mail exchanger = 0 mx.domain.tld.
  2) # mkdir /var/qmail/control/tlshosts
    a) qmail-1.03-3.3.7>=
       1. # ln -s /etc/pki/ca-trust/extracted/pem/tls-ca-bundle.pem /var/qmail/control/tlshosts/mx.domain.tls.pem  
    b) qmail-1.03-3.3.7<
       1. # touch /var/qmail/control/tlshosts/mx.domain.tld.pem
